Matthew Knies' Toronto Roommate Has Been Revealed and Fans Love It!

Joe El-Khoury
April 18, 2023  (10:43)

It's that time of year again that makes all Toronto fans nervous. It's time for round one of the playoffs. The make or break moment we wait for all year, to see if the Toronto Maple Leafs can finally turn the page and move on in their story.

Knies Bunking With Tavares

Looking to beef up their squad in the pursuit of success, Toronto has added one of their more popular prospects to the locker room towards the end of the season. Matthew Knies has quickly become a popular figure among the team. His seamless integration into the squad has been so impressive that he has even moved in with one of the team's core members.
The move to bring in the young forward from the NCAA was a calculated one, and it's clear that it's paying dividends both on and off the ice.
Knies' ability to adapt quickly to his new surroundings speaks volumes about his character and work ethic. It's not easy to join a new team mid-season and find your place, but Knies has done just that.
You may be asking yourself...which core member of the team has agreed to room with Knies? None other than the captain himself, John Tavares.
As a true leader and team player, Captain John Tavares has gone above and beyond to make sure that the rookie feels welcome and comfortable in his new surroundings. Tavares has offered Knies a place to stay in his family's basement, which is a kind gesture that will undoubtedly help the young player feel more settled and at ease.
Staying in a hotel room can be a lonely and isolating experience, especially for a young player who is trying to make his mark in the NHL. By providing Knies with a place to call home, Tavares is helping him to feel more connected to the team and the community.
In order to finally be successful and win in the first round of the playoffs, the Maple Leafs are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to stay fit and healthy before their highly-anticipated showdown against Tampa Bay. That includes a healthy mental state as well.