Evander Kane Stands Up For Young Oilers Fan Battling Cancer After Being Attacked By Some Los Angeles Kings Fans

S. Harper
April 25, 2023  (5:31 PM)

With the Stanley Cup playoffs underway, tensions and battles have picked up on the ice, causing some fans to become passionate. However, some fans take their support too far, and occasionally, we see nasty behavior from them that gives our sport a bad reputation.

Unfortunately, this was the case during Friday's game between the Edmonton Oilers and Los Angeles Kings, where a young Oilers fan was harassed by some Kings fans. They directed unkind words at her and even spat on her for wearing her Oilers jersey at the game in Los Angeles.

Oilers Fan Gets Attacked

Thankfully, Oilers star Evander Kane learned of the incident and took action. He presented the young fan with a new Kane jersey and even took photos with her. Kane also stood up for her and shared a message on social media denouncing the harassment.

"My dear friend @simply_cecily_rose got to go on an amazing trip to LA last week that created some incredibly fun memories. But some of her experience in LA, specifically at Game 3, was not.

I'm disgusted and appalled at what happened to this amazing little girl in the stands and in a women's restroom where she was harassed for wearing her jersey and was spit on by an LA fan for doing so.

This type of behavior is gross and completely unacceptable. For any young girl, especially battling cancer, to be treated in such a manner is pathetic.

Grow up, and as this smart young lady always says, be kind."

Got to give Kane alot of respect for doing this for Rose she nor anyone deserves to be treated this way hockey is meant to be fun. Doing stupid things like this makes our sport look bad.