Canucks fan soils himself after fight with Oilers fans

Graham Montgomery
May 19, 2024  (9:46 PM)

One Canucks fan fighting a bunch of Oilers fans after game six in Edmonton
Photo credit: X- Yegwave

Things got heated last night outside Rodger's Place when a lone Canucks fan tried to take on a group of Oilers fans in a fight and lost in embarrassing fashion.

The Oilers kept their season alive with a dominant 5-1 victory last night and many Canucks fans did not take it well. One fan went so far as to get involved in a fight with several Oilers fans right outside Rodger's Place after the game ended.
A fight just occurred outside of Rogers Place, which was allegedly started by Canucks fans acting erratically.

«A Vancouver fan got knocked out after a lot of drinking and a lot of lipping off. He had apparently said to a random nurse who came to help him ‘I've been knocked out before.' Yes he did pee himself»
The fight did not go well for the fan of the visiting team, as he was knocked out. He clearly had been drinking too much as he literally peed his pants during the confrontation, likely when he was unconscious.
Another fan had been seen being escorted out of Rodger's Place late in the game for delinquent behavior. Clearly, last night was not a good look for Canucks fans, who already have a reputation thanks to the 2011 riots.
A salty Canucks fan was escorted out of the stands at the end of the game. Per information from our follower who sent this in, the man was drunk & tried starting a fight
The account that shared these incidents online stated that it was the same guy involved in both incidents, but that does not appear to be the case. The two men involved appear to have slightly different hair, as well as different jerseys and certainly different pants.
It appears that the man knocked out is the same man who got escorted out of the building in our tweet before this. Dude found out.
Several people called out the account for misinformation, saying that it was not the same guy int he fight that was escorted out of the building earlier.
The guy is wearing much darker coloured jeans. Different dude.
Regardless, this is not the type of behavior anyone wants to see at a hockey game. Hopefully things will go over peacefully tomorrow night, regardless of the outcome of the game, and thus, the series.