Pierre-Luc Dubois Opens Up on Leaving Winnipeg

Julien Trekker
October 16, 2023  (12:46)

Dubois Discusses His Departure from Winnipeg


Pierre-Luc Dubois' track record in the NHL reveals a pattern of frequent team changes.
Since being drafted by the Blue Jackets in 2016, he spent just three seasons there before expressing a desire to move, reportedly because of a dissatisfaction in Columbus.
Soon after, he found himself with Winnipeg, but that stint was similarly short-lived. His next chapter began with a significant eight-year, $68,000,000 contract in Los Angeles.
Recently, Dubois opened up in an interview about the constant speculation regarding his brief tenures, his current long-term commitment, and his reasons for leaving Winnipeg.

Los Angeles Feels Right for Dubois


In a conversation with The Athletic, Dubois clarified his decision to depart from the Jets.
He addressed and dismissed rumours that he was discontented with the Jets organization in Winnipeg.
"I think, where I was going in my career and in my life I'm 25. I've said this before but eight years is a long time. I don't know how I'm going to feel in three years. But I felt like, for me, L.A. was a city where I could be happy for the duration of the contract. I could be happy playing here. I could be myself here. It was a hard decision to make but, like I said, I would never speak ill of Winnipeg or say I didn't enjoy my time there because I did."

So it wasn't Winnipeg, then?

"That's the main thing I would say if you asked me what I wanted people to understand: You can like two things at the same time. You can appreciate two different things at the same time. It's not that you choose one so you hate the other. That's what I think got misconstrued in the whole process."

At 25, Dubois was after a place to anchor himself for eight years, and he ended up in Los Angeles.
We wish him the best in this new city!