Kyle Dubas throws Ryan Graves under the bus

Dave C.
April 19, 2024  (5:48 PM)

Pittsburgh Penguins GM Kyle Dubas
Photo credit: Hockey Feed

The Pittsburgh Penguins long and confusing season has finally come to an end with many ups and down. Their playoff aspirations had died after the Capitals clinched the final wild card spot versus their rivals, the Philadelphia Flyers. In today's end of year media press conference, GM Kyle Dubas threw some shade at one of Pittsburgh's most disappointing players this season, Ryan Graves.

It has been far from a perfect season, heck, not even a good season for defenseman Ryan Graves who put up a disappointing stat line of 14 points in 70 games played. He was also the fans' easy target, calling on him to perform better. Kyle Dubas said the following regarding the big defenceman.
With Ryan, there's no dancing around it. He was a very good player in Colorado and New Jersey... He came in and from the beginning, I thought, 'it happens'. Did I expect it to go the whole year? No. Part of that is on us as an organization, but it's as much on Ryan to push and find his way through the summer. It's a massive summer for him. His strength, which will allow him to be more physical and make stops in the defensive zone, his mobility - he's going to have to push and really work on that. We have to arm him with the path to get there and he has to execute it relentlessly and if he can do that, he will get back to being the player he was when we signed him.
While many have given up on him, I am one to believe he will get better, and improve this summer after all the negativity that has surrounded him this year, it will only fuel the big defenceman.