Babcock's Job Officially in Jeopardy as NHLPA and NHL Meet in New York

Dawson McKenzie
September 15, 2023  (10:49)

The investigation into Mike Babcock has hit a breaking point, where the NHLPA and NHL are scheduled to meet and discuss the investigation in New York. While this is a regularly scheduled meeting, NHL insiders report that Babcock will certainly be the focus.

Babcock's Job in Jeopardy

On First Up this morning, Darren Dreger spoke on just how serious the meeting in New York could be for Babcock.
"Based on the information that has been discovered and percolated to the surface in the last 48 hours, I think there's a chance Babcock's job could be in question... I'm not reporting or predicting it's going to happen, but there's a chance that happens."
This is a serious next step in the investigation, as members of the NHLPA went to Columbus to investigate what happened. It is likely that at the meeting in New York, they will discuss the findings with NHL executives, and decide whether or not Babcock should keep his job.

Young Players not Happy

The investigation really heated up after it was reported that some of the younger players in Columbus were uncomfortable with the photo incident that occurred. This goes against the official statement by the Blue Jackets, where Babcock insisted that there was no ill will and was just trying to get to know his players' families.
"It appears things changed... when information was received that some of the younger Blue Jackets were uncomfortable with what had occurred. That appears to be the major focus of the investigation."

- Elliotte Friedman
It is only a matter of time before we know whether or not Babcock will coach a single game in his return to the NHL.
As seen on Hockey Patrol - "MAJOR: Investigation Puts Mike Babcock's Coaching Position officially in Jeopardy"