Adam Johnsons's Teammate Shares Horrific Details of the Incident

Travis Neil
October 31, 2023  (2:34 PM)

The horrifying scene of Adam Johnson's passing will live long in the hearts of many but for the players that were on the ice when the incident happened it is that much harder to cope.

Adam Johnson's Teammate Shares Full Details on Incident
One of Adam Johnson's teammates, Victor Bjorkung who was on the ice just revealed his struggles with what he saw:
"I have so many gaps, it's crazy. I went into shock immediately and have chosen not to watch the clip now afterwards, but have been told that I was in the play and that I saw everything in real time.

I realized the seriousness of the accident within a second when I saw the blood. Adam was holding the glove over the wound and I tried to look away, but saw between my fingers how he got up and then fell down again.

This is the sickest thing I've ever experienced. I'm sleepless and wake up in a panic. Ordinary things in everyday life become difficult."

Dealing in real time what was happening despite being mortified themselves, the players on the ice did something incredible for the fans.
"We stood like a human shield so that the crowd wouldn't see anything. Children screamed in the stands, referees cried, players hugged each other. I start crying when the memories come up."

The amount of struggles that all the players, fans, staff and officials are going through today from this horrific incident is being brought to light as the days go on.
Bjorkung also spoke on how people are sending hate to Matt Petgrave, the player whose skate cut Johnson.
"I am trying to understand the situation and I have sent text messages to Matt Petgrave. He has had an unprecedented storm thrown at him. It feels like so much unnecessary hate. So f---ing low that it makes me sick.

I wrote to Matt: 'want to check in so you are ok, not so easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are here for you. No one on our team blames you. No one thinks it's your fault. We are here together. Don't hesitate if you want to get in touch.'"

The support from players in the league have been shown, it has been people away from the game that are accusing Petgrave of intentionally trying to hit Johnson with his skate.

The State of The Elite Ice Hockey League Season

The whole league is on pause right now, while everyone tries to cope with what happened this past weekend.
For many players like Bjorkung playing hockey is the last thing on their minds right now.
"Right now, playing ice hockey feels far away. But when I do, I will play for Adam. He didn't want us to quit because of him. We're not going to rush anything, but once we're on the ice, our fans and the hockey world will be behind us and we'll play for him."

The Elite Ice Hockey League has had many talks about mandating neck guards for next season. Other leagues are talking about it as well.
Some teams themselves have taken it on themselves to start wearing neck gaurds themselves.