NHL Suspends Rangers' Matt Rempe for Dirty Hit

Marvin Azrak
March 12, 2024  (4:35 PM)

Matt Rempe With a Dirty Elbow to New Jersey Devils Player
Photo credit: X

So, Matt Rempe found himself in the thick of things on Monday, but this time he ended up facing the league's wrath. It all went down when Rempe threw an elbow at Jonas Siegenthaler's jaw late in the second period. The hit was a doozy, knocking the Devils defenseman out of the game and earning Rempe an elbowing major and game misconduct.

Rangers' Rookie Matt Rempe Sparks Controversy with Dirty Hit

As Rempe was escorted off the ice, he even gave a cheeky wave to Kurtis MacDermid, who had been itching for a fight with him since the first period.
MacDermid, not one to back down, tried to square up with Rempe, but the officials quickly intervened to prevent a brawl.
It's becoming a bit of a trend with Rempe. This young rookie has already racked up four fights and two ejections in less than a month since his NHL debut. And let's not forget, this isn't his first rodeo with the Devils either—he got the boot in a 5-1 win against them just over a week ago.
After the game, MacDermid didn't mince words. He called Rempe out for his immature behavior, saying he had "a lot to learn" and had lost some respect in his eyes.
Hopefully this serves as a wake-up call for the 21 year-old to clean up his act before he finds himself in even hotter water.
The play capped a wild ride at Madison Square Garden, with Rempe's antics following his solid all around performance so far, stealing the spotlight in the surging Rangers 3-1 victory against their Hudson River Ruvals, their third against them and 13th win in last 16 games.
That said, in the NHL, drama always seems to find a way to take center stage, especially when your it's in the core of the big apple.

NHL Makes a Verdict on Matt Rempe's Dirty Elbow

NHL DPOS makes a decision and decide to suspend Matt Rempe for four games.