Clayton Keller's Father Breaks Silence, Explains Trade Request, and Faces Embarrassment

James Connelly
May 19, 2023  (2:28 PM)

Clayton Keller's father was recently in some hot water for two tweets to the organization regarding what his son would do and his explanation for said tweets are odd.

Bryan Keller Breaks Silence

After the Tempe Arena plan was rejected many were upset, including the father of Coyotes all-star Clayton Keller.
In two deleted tweets Bryan Keller said that his son will not be with the team next season and that others will follow suit.
After this, it looks like he got into some hot water and was forced to explain the tweets where he said the following.
"Wednesday morning while out of town on business, I was informed by several friends that a few Twitter messages had apparently been sent from my personal account regarding the proposed arena vote in Tempe and my son, Clayton Keller's future in AZ."

"I am writing to inform anyone reading these messages that my Twitter account was hacked and the messages were sent by the hacker. I want to make it clear that I did not authorize these messages and they do not reflect my personal views or opinions."

While there is a possibility Bryan Keller was hacked, it is far more likely he tweeted this from the wrong account.

Is He Telling The Truth?

Burner accounts are very common in sports, especially among players and families. Bryan Keller could have meant to tweet these from a burner account with 0 followers but accidentally did this from his main account.
While Keller could have been "hacked", he is not exactly high on any hackers list and if somebody wanted to hack a Keller, they would have hacked Clayton. It appears this is a sorry excuse for a mistake and if he were to just apologize outright and say he was upset, there would likely be much less drama.