NHL May Be Violating Privacy Of Players

Graham Montgomery
October 28, 2023  (8:05 PM)

When the NHL announced a 41-game suspension for Shane Pinto for violating the league's gambling policy, reporters and journalists started looking deeper into the issue. Conflicting reports state that the league may be spying on its players.

NHL May Be Spying On Players

According to Bruce Garrioch of the Ottawa Sun, the NHL is automatically notified when an active player sets up an account with a sports betting service.
"We've been led to believe that NHL players weren't aware until Pinto's suspension that any player who opens an online betting account has their information forwarded to the league's security department for compliance purposes."

This news is quite shocking as many see it as a violation of the player's pivacy. However, new reports indicate that this claim might not be true after all. According to TSN Shawn Simpson, the league was made aware of Pinto's rule violation only because there was suspicious activity on his account. The Senators forward reportedly used a 3rd party to place bets on his U.S. based account while he was in Canada. This practice is known as proxy betting, and it is illegal. However, what really got Pinto in trouble with the league is that whoever he shared his account information with apparently bet on hockey games. Not too smart, Shane.
Bruce Garrioch corrected his initial report on X today as well, stating that the league is not informed when a player makes a new betting account.
It seems then, that the NHL is not spying on players after all, but there is still a bit of gray area here and it is unclear how exactly the NHL became aware of Pinto's transgressions.

Pinto Did Not Bet On NHL Games

While Pinto's friend may not be the brightest bulb in the box, it seems as though Pinto himself did not bet on NHL games. This would explain why the Senators forward is not facing any legal action, but instead will miss 41 games as soon as he signs a contract.