NHL Insider Drops an Update on What the Possible Future of William Nylander Could Be

Rob A.
December 29, 2023  (11:58)

William Nylander crashing the net before a goal
Photo credit: YouTube

There has been some unofficial talk flowing that Toronto might be taking a gander at exchanging forthcoming free agent William Nylander to a Western Conference team. The talk, which started from HockeyBuzz and the questionable "Eklund", has Nylander going to the Anaheim Ducks, who have an overflow of cap space to spend.

NHL intellectuals and insiders have a completely different take on the Nylander circumstance, that may not necessarily send him packing to the Western Conference.
The story coming from the Leafs and the Nylander camp is that the two sides have a common goal to find an arrangement that would turn out best for both, keeping Nylander in Toronto for quite a while. Nylander, who really enjoys the city of Toronto and the fan base, has talked about wanting to stay with the organization.
It is not just Nylander who has an interest in staying. GM Brad Treliving wants him to remain with the organization as well. He feels that Nylander gives Toronto a chance to win and is deserving of a contract extension.
During an interview on NHL Tonight on Thursday, David Pagnotta of The Fourth Period feels that both camps are ready to sit down and prepare to further efforts at striking a deal, possibly as early as January.
"There has been an open dialogue between the Leafs and [Nylander's] camp, but at no point has anything been derailed. They've also been keeping things very, very close to the vest. They're going to escalate conversations and talks into the New Year. Once the calendar flips over in a few days to 2024, negotiations, from what I've been told, between the Leafs and Willie's camp are going to start to pick up a little bit.

"Both sides want a long-term deal, you're probably looking at an eight-year extension. It is just a matter of the Leafs being comfortable with a $10 million-plus player, another one, on the roster." - Pagnotta on Nylander and the Leafs

With the salary cap rising in the NHL over $4 million per season, it will be the negotiations for a number easier. And with John Tavares' contract finished, the Leafs may have more money on the table to spend.
The Leafs went into talks thinking $9 million per season is doable, and Nylander's outlook appears to be in the $10 million range. It is possible that a deal within a $10 million or more per season contract is not out of the question. The Leafs will have $33 million plus cap space going into the 2024-25 season.
With all the speculation around Nylander's contract, it is clear that he is playing at his best while tuning all that noise out.