Jordan Binnington potentially on the move as a trade chip this summer

Tom Banks
April 8, 2024  (1:52 PM)

Jordan Binnington of the St. Louis Blues.
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The St. Louis Blues have relied upon Jordan Binnington for some time, but now, their relationship may be coming to an end.

The Blues shocked the NHL world several years ago when they won a Stanley Cup with Jordan Binnington in net, but with his antics still rubbing people the wrong way, it appears he's on the way out of St. Louis. According to renowned NHL Insider Elliotte Friedman, Jordan Binnington could be a potential trade chip for the Blues this summer as they look to perform 'major surgery' on this uniquely built roster.
"I am gonna be really curious what St. Louis does in this offseason," said Friedman on the 32 Thoughts Podcast. "Doug Armstrong has really tried to do some things here... an I'm curious to see what he's going to do behind the bench and I'm curious to see what he's going to do with this team.

"You can tell he wants to perform some surgery, and not minor surgery... we're talking about some major surgery," added Friedman. "He clearly, clearly has the itch to do something here."

"He's got a no trade clause that goes to a partial no trade... so his full no trade drops," began Friedman. "I would be curious about what Armstrong would do here."

"You're not as good without Binnington but it might be your best chance to get something," concluded the insider.

As Friedman mentions, his full-trade clause is now reduced to a partial no-trade clause, and even though his antics have made him hated all across the league, he's still a solid goaltender, with the potential to be elite. With the Blues looking to get younger and build for the future, moving Binnington makes plenty of sense for the Blues, so keep a very close eye on GM Doug Armstrong this summer.
Source: Hockey Feed