Sean Avery Calls Out Ryan Reaves Over Recent Comments

Tom Banks
October 24, 2023  (4:42 PM)

The NHL has long been a place where few players in the league could match Ryan Reaves physicality, but now, with the game getting quicker, it appears the veteran enforcer is looking at other ways to keep his name in the headlines.

Rivalry with Corey Perry


Reaves has long had a rivalry with current Blackhawks forward Corey Perry, and his recent comments on the veteran star have raised many eyebrows in the hockey world.
I never really liked him to be honest. We always seem to run into each other when we play each other. But yeah, not a lot of love for that guy. He kind of acts tough; he's not tough.

The above comments may have been taken well by some, but for former NHL players who see the decline in Reaves play, it was time to speak up.

Podcast host has choice words for Reaves

On the latest episode of his podcast, former NHLer Sean Avery has taken a shot at Reaves over these comments.

Let me just ask Ryan Reaves; what planet do you live on? I know you're in Toronto and you're getting back pats everywhere you go. You will be out of the lineup by Game 46, because you're a clock killer and you can't play in the league anymore, so please check yourself when referring to Corey Perry not being your equal in the toughness department.

Whether you like him or not, it's hard to argue with either side of this debate right now, as Reaves' comments seemed to be quite unnecessary at the time, but given what he's accomplished in the NHL, it's also tough to argue with him in the field of toughness.
Do you think Reaves will respond to Avery after this call out?